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Ground Floor:

Application Process


Welcome to the Ground Floor, this is where your journey begins. The first step while at the Ground Floor is to send in your interest to be entered in the program, using Apply Now page. 


After we send you an application for the program, we take the time to review and determine whether your needs fit our program model. Once accepted, you will be contacted to set up a meeting so that we can help plan your elevator ride. Our initial discussion will focus on which floors you need help with. For example, if you are accepted into the program and decided you only needed to participat in the Hard Skills Training Program (Vocational), you could go straight to the Second Floor. 


Applying to The Elevator Project is a great step in the right direction towards an taking control of your life and lifting yourself out of your financially disadvantaged situation. You are on your way to a more secure socio-economic status. Due to not having much space in the program at a time, you may be placed on the waiting list. This does not mean that you will never your elevator ticket, it just means that it may take us one-two months to accept new participants. While on the wait-list, you will recieve a catalog of courses you can be thinking about taking for Floor Two of the program. 


We, at The Elevator Project, thank you for taking a proactive effort in bettering your future and working towards lifting yourself out of the financially disadvantaged situation you may be struggling in. 




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