Special Needs Program
A special need is classified under two major categories: learning difficulties and behavioral difficulties. Learning disabilities can affect one's ability to read, write, speak, spell, compute math, reason and also affect a person's attention, memory, coordination, social skills and emotional maturity. Behavioral difficulties are exhibited as inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances, an inability to learn which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors, and an inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationsips with others. The Special Needs Program is an expansion of The Elevator Project that focuses on lifting those that also have a special need out of poverty.
Learning Disabilities
The Special Needs Program mainly focuses on three major areas.
Dyscalculia - A condition that impacts the brain's comprehension and application of numbers and arithmetic. Learn More
Dysgraphia: A condition that affects a person's fine motor skills and their ability to write. Learn More
Dyslexia - A condition that affects the structural alignment of the brain which hinders one's language abilities. Learn More
Behavioral Disabilities
The Special Needs Program mainly focuses on three major areas.
Anxiety Disorders - A behavioral condition that largely encompasses irrational fear. Learn More
Communications Disorders - A behavioral condition that affects one's ability to build or maintain interpersonal relationships with others. Learn More
Psychotic Disorders - A behavioral condition which is demonstrated through abnormal thinking and perceptions. Learn More
There's no greater
disability in society,
than the inability to
see a person as more.
Robert M. Hensel